Solstice17, the Digital Spring closing party, will fuse music and technology
Tomorrow evening, at Solstice17, the closing party for the fourth edition of Montreal’s Digital Spring, musicians will take to the stage with instruments quite a bit different from your average drum kit or turntables. Using four instruments that are both rare and technologically advanced, they will put on a unique show: an eclectic and immersive experience featuring live and interactive music and dance performances.
The show is produced in collaboration with MusicMotion Allianceand Pixsenses, and will feature music and atmospheric sounds on hardware and software, some of which was created at McGill Unviersity and Universite de Montreal. One of the instruments that will be featured is called the Reactable, and there are only two of them in the whole city of Montreal.
“I had the chance to do my Master’s thesis in Barcelona with this instrument,” Olivier Lalonde, one of the organizers of the event told MTLinTECH. “Every artist will use it in a different way, to enhance the music, and also to enhance the music performance because it is more dynamic than a laptop. The Reactable is a tangible music interface, so you can play four people at the same time. You have different kinds of objects. If you know the Moog synth, it’s inspired by the Moog. You have samplers, you have generators, you have sequencers, and different types of objects that can be linked together to create music. So they will use the Reactable combined with other equipment, like synth computers. Everything will be synced together.”
READ ALSO: Fashion startups strut the runway at Montreal’s Digital Spring
Another interesting piece of technology, developed at U de M, will be used to control the lights.
“You have six sensors that are very accurate, so every movement can be tracked very precisely. So during the performance, dancers will control the lights in the audience using VMX technology. It’s technology we haven’t really seen in the past, and we will re-use in different ways for the concert.”
Even the transitions will be controlled by an iPhone app created in Montreal.
“It’s not only a regular concert, the goal is to create a mis-en-scene, so music will be played continuously from the beginning to the end. We’re using mis-en-scene to create something new with new musical instruments as well.”
The Digital Spring closing party will take place tomorrow evening, June 21st, at 9 p.m. at Société des arts technologiques (SAT).
Click here to buy tickets for the event, $15 regular tickets, and $10 for students.
Check out the full lineup below:
► Moonshine // afrobeat x electro
► Eman & Vlooper x KNLO // hip hop
♬ https://
► Ohm Hourani & Dominique Fils-Aimé // electro x voice
► Musallica // sopranos
♬ https://
► DJ Abeille // electro x party
► COLLECTIF PRISM // arts x astronauts
► VEROUSHKA & FRIENDS // dance x light
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