YOSHUA BENGIO\, Full Professor\, Deep Learning Pioneer and A.M. Turing Award — “the Nobel Prize of Computing”


Yoshua Bengio is recognized as one of the world’s leading experts in ar tificial intelligence and a pioneer in deep learning.


Yoshua Bengi o’s profound influence on the evolution of our society is undeniable. In 2 017\, he was named an Officer of the Order of Canada. In 2018\, he was is the computer scientist who collected the largest number of new citations i n the world. In 2019\, he received\, jointly with Geoffrey Hinton and Yann LeCun\, the ACM A.M. Turing Award — “the Nobel Prize of Computing” — for conceptual and engineering breakthroughs.


He is a full professor i n the Department of Computer Science and Operational Research at the Unive rsité de Montréal. In addition to holding the Canada Research Chair in Sta tistical Learning Algorithms\, Yoshua Bengio is also the Founder and Scien tific Director of the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA) — the world’s largest university-based research group in deep learning\, a S cientific Director of IVADO\, a CIFAR Fellow and Program Director and a co -Chair of the Canada’s Advisory Council. Concerned about the social impact s of AI\, he actively contributed to the development of the Montreal Decla ration for Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence.


Yos hua Bengio’s ultimate goal is to understand the principles that lead to in telligence through learning.

DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20191223T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20191223T203000 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:SEMINAL DEBATE : YOSHUA BENGIO | GARY MARCUS — LIVE STREAMING URL: gary-marcus-live-streaming/ X-COST-TYPE:free END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221223T235731Z CATEGORIES: CONTACT: tion-rpa-training-in-montreal-tickets-83574187645?aff=eand DESCRIPTION:
This Ro botic Process Automation training is a 4 weeks long Instructor-led LIVE tr aining to be taught over 16 hours.

About this Event

  • Robotic process automation (or RPA ) is an emerging form of business process automation technology based on t he notion of software robots or artificial intelligence (AI) workers.
  • \n
  • This course is meant for beginners who would like to learn everythin g about RPA and how to implement RPA.
  • \n


Weekly C lass Schedule


This class will be held beginning December 23\, 201 9 and end on January 16\, 2020 US Pacific time on weekends (Monday and Thu rsday every week) from 5:30-7:30 PM each day US Pacific time (PST) dependi ng upon your location.


Please check your local date and time for the fir st session

  • December 23\, 2019 – January 16\, 2020 US Pa cific Time
  • \n
  • Monday and Thursday US Pacific time every week
  • \n
  • 5:30-7:30 PM each day US Pacific time depending upon your Location
  • \n

Features and Benefits

  • 2 hours per session\n
  • 2 sessions per weekend
  • \n
  • 8 sessions spread across 4 weeks (December 23\, 2019 – January 16\, 2020 US Pacific Time)
  • \n
  • 16 hour s of total Instructor Led Training
  • \n
  • Training material along with instructor handouts\, Practical Hands-on Lab exercises
  • \n

Co urse Overview


This class will cover basic concepts of Robotic Pro cess Automation including UI Automation concepts\, building workflows usin g RPA\, several types of data inside a workflow\, Desktop\, Web Automation \, debugging a workflow\, Reusing automation that invokes workflow and tem plates\, how to organize a real-world workflow automation project.

\nWho should attend\n

This class can be taken by professionals such as those who are interested in automating UI workflows for their day to d ay work\, IT professionals\, accounting\, operations\, IT staff and consul tants supporting client using RPA


Course Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. \n
  3. Past and Present Overview of process automation
  4. \n
  5. Robotic Process Automation Concepts
  6. \n
  7. UI Automation and Sys tem Activities
  8. \n
  9. User Events\, Recorder and Scraping
  10. \n
  11. Wor kflow and Data Manipulation
  12. \n
  13. Programming and Troubleshooting
  14. \n
  15. Existing RPA solutions and vendors Landscape – Automation Anywhere\, Blue Prism\, Pega OpenSpan\, UiPath\, Nice and WorkFusion
  16. \n
  17. Front office vs back office robots
  18. \n
  19. How to evaluate a good process to automate
  20. \n
  21. Hands on labs – Reviewing your existing systems and pro cesses\, web scraping\, web automation\, desktop automation
  22. \n
  23. Work flow branching
  24. \n
  25. Tools and techniques for debugging workflow.
  26. \n
  27. Deploying RPA in production
  28. \n
  29. RPA best practices
  30. \n
  31. C ollecting data generated by robots
  32. \n
  33. RPA Roles
  34. \n
  35. Scalabili ty and Security aspects of RPA
  36. \n

Tickets: ion-to-robotic-process-automation-rpa-training-in-montreal-tickets-8357418 7645?aff=eand.

DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20191223T203000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20191223T223000 LOCATION:Entirety Technology\, Montreal Canada SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Introduction to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Training in Montre al URL: ss-automation-rpa-training-in-montreal/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-COST:$500-$600 X-TICKETS-URL: automation-rpa-training-in-montreal-tickets-83574187645?aff=eand END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221223T235731Z CATEGORIES: CONTACT: DESCRIPTION:


DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20191225T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20191225T210000 for details RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=-1WE SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Startup Drinks URL: X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; p-content/uploads/2015/01/startupdrinks_yellow_background_h.png?resize=150 %2C150\;150\;150\;1\,medium\; m/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/startupdrinks_yellow_background_h.png?fit=300 %2C142\;300\;142\;1\,large\; /wp-content/uploads/2015/01/startupdrinks_yellow_background_h.png?fit=754% 2C358\;754\;358\;1 X-TICKETS-URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221223T235731Z CATEGORIES: CONTACT: DESCRIPTION:

This is a work session for anyone working on a side project\ , doing courses online\, or other independent study. The purpose is to get out of the house and focus on work or study in a group of friendly doing the same. This meetup is hosted at Java U\, where you can grab a delicious coffee or snack while you work.


Kindly note that this is a bi-mon thly event\, taking place 2 Saturdays of every month.


Tickets: .

DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20191228T141500 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20191228T180000 LOCATION:Java U Intercontinental\, 350 Saint-Antoine St W\, Montreal\, QC H 2Y 3X4 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coffee’N’Code with freeCodeCamp MTL Les Pitonneux URL: -mtl-les-pitonneux-11/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-TICKETS-URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20221223T235731Z CATEGORIES: CONTACT: DESCRIPTION:

Want to learn more about JavaScript? Meet other people who a re passionate about writing software? Show off your latest project?

\n< p>We meet on every second Tuesday of the month. Details are available on < a href='' onclick='__gaTracker('send'\, 'event'\, ' outbound-article'\, ''\, '')\ ;' class='link' title='' target='' rel='noopener no referrer'>


Front-end\, backend with Node and other tools\, other interesting uses for JavaScript: We got you cover ed.



DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20201013T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20201013T220000 LOCATION:La Gare @ 5333 Avenue Casgrain #102\, Montréal\, QC H2T 1X6\, Can ada RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=12;BYDAY=2TU SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:js-montreal monthly meetup URL: X-COST-TYPE:external X-TICKETS-URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR