McGill’s X-1 accelerator readies for 6-company Demo Day

McGill University’s X-1 accelerator program for startups is hosting its McGill Montreal Demo Day on September 7.

According to the McGill Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship, it’s the “biggest and most premier event in Montreal” for McGill startups.

“MTLinTECH readers should expect six great pitches from our 2016 program. Our startups have been going through a rigorous program over the past ten weeks,” said Renjie Butalid, marketing and operations advisor at the Dobson Centre.

“These teams have the potential to revolutionize several different industries. They’ve got big ideas and there’s a lot of excitement here at McGill.”

The half dozen teams will pitch at Club Soda followed by a bit of networking. Later in September, X-1 will host two McGill startup showcases in San Francisco and Boston.

Unfortunately Butalid couldn’t reveal the teams just yet. One can easily find out online but some of the teams have pivoted during the program.

“We don’t want to release info just yet until they’re finalized,” said Butalid.

Butalid added that McGill is trying to take its programming “to the next level” with the startup showcases scheduled in two US cities.

“It’s an opportunity for us to really tell a story. We want to get the Montreal community excited about what McGill teams are working on,” he added.

Those interested in attending McGill Montreal Demo Day can grab free tickets here.


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