National Ladies Learning Code Day returns for fifth national event

The first national coding event for women in Canada is back this fall for its fifth anniversary.

National Ladies Learning Code Day was launched in 2013 and designed to help women see technology in a whole new light, as a medium for self-expression, and as a means for changing the world.

This year’s event, taking place on September 23rd, is focused on “Using Data to Solve Problems: An Intro to AI and Machine Learning for Beginners”, a reflection of Montreal’s ascendance as one of the world’s leader in artificial intelligence (AI).

“Canada is already a leader in AI and Machine Learning, especially in Montreal, but women are still underrepresented in these fields,” Erika LeBlanc, English Montreal Chapter Lead told MTLinTECH. “We want to expose women to AI and get them interested and confident working with data. Clearly people are interested in the subject, because we sold out our English Montreal workshop in less than 24 hours!”

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In addition to the national event on the 23rd, the Montreal chapter has also organized a Girls Learning Code event for September 17th.

The younger event is meant to help girls between the ages of 8-13 discover a passion for learning about technology, experience the satisfaction that comes from being a builder of the web, and become more confident and develop a willingness to try new things.

“Girls learning Code Day helps girls between the ages of 8-13 discover a passion for learning about technology, experience the satisfaction that comes from being a builder of the web and become more confident and develop a willingness to try new things. This past year we explored storytelling with the interactive programming language, Scratch.”

Ladies Learning Code Day is for adults over the age of 18. It is geared towards women, challenging the gender gap and aims to to help women see technology in a whole new light – as a medium for self- expression, and as a means for changing the world and gain confidence to pursue a career in tech.

Although the English workshop is currently sold out, you can add your name to the waitlist or make a donation here.

“We hope to empower and equip women with important technical skills that will give them a stake in the field of AI and Machine Learning. And as with all of our programming, we hope to inspire a diverse tech community in Montreal.”

Photo via Ladies Learning Code Montreal chapter Facebook

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