Get in the Ring offers a chance to compete locally and win recognition globally

This fall Montreal startups will have the chance to literally get in a ring and compete for awards and a chance at global attention.

The Get in the Ring (GITR) Global Startup Competition is an international initiative started by the Get in the Ring Foundation in 2012 with the mission to reduce the failure rate of talented entrepreneurs.

The Get in the Ring Foundation is now active in over 100 countries with more than 150 affiliated events, and aims to connect 10,000 startups per year to opportunities they need to start, grow and scale up and make impact.

On October 14th, Get in the Ring La Coupe Provincial des Start-up, organized by the Regroupement Des Jeunes Chambres de commerce Du Quebec (RJCCQ), will serve as the final selection event in Quebec for the Global Startup Competition of the Get in the Ring Foundation, set to take place in May 2018.

“The event was an initiative of the RJCCQ and aims to put forward great talents from all across Québec,” Monsef Derraji, RJCCQ’ CEO told MTLinTECH. “The Get In the Ring Provincial Start-Up Cup is the grand finale of four great weekends in Montreal, Quebec City, Mauricie Region and Longueuil through the Caravane Régionale de l’Entrepreneuriat program. The RJCCQ, in collaboration with its members and partners, wanted to help businesses in growth mode with issues they are facing. We found that there aren’t enough events for businesses at that stage.”

After a full day of training and speed dating sessions, six selected startups will take the spotlight and battle in 5 rounds for a spot in the Get in the Ring Global Meetup. Interested startups can apply ahead of time here.

“We welcome businesses, NFPs and ‘repreneurs’ of all industries. The RJCCQ really wants to find the greatest talents, whether the business is a social enterprise or building AI solutions for businesses. The businesses cannot be more than 4 years old and the founders must be max 40 years of age.”

During the selection round, startups will pitch in front of an experienced jury in an attempt to convince them why they should proceed to the next round and a spot on the main stage. The battle on the main stage will take place inside an actual boxing ring, and give local startups the chance to compete for new fans, awards, and a ticket to the global final.

“We’ve all seen Dragon’s Den or it’s French version, but thought that the GITR format is interesting because it focuses on the business model, the team, the accomplishments as well as the je ne sais quoi of each business. Its international aspect is, of course, of great appeal. The RJCCQ really wanted entrepreneurs from Québec to shine! And the winner will go to the Global Conference, basically, the World Cup for startups with great coaching and exposure.”

Photo sourced from Get in the Ring Facebook page

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