MTLCOLLAB Designathon
The #designathon will allow teams to learn new things, collaborate with others, and build lasting relationships. You’ll meet people with skillsets that complement yours to work with and learn from. You’ll be able to create things they only would have been able to dream of before! You’ll be able to become a core part of Montreal’s Maker Movement, and connect talented and passionate people into the maker community.
This is our montreal-wide call-out to all designers, engineers, architects, urban planners, interior designers, everyone and anyone, to allow mtlcollab to provide easy access to specialized tools, training, and align STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) initiatives to develop new innovation.
RSVP here (as team, or spectator):
Prizes include free membership to the mtlcollab makerspace, candy, free design credit, free nota-bene notebooks, and more!
Get your free tickets here: Sign up as a team, spectator, and then reserve your ticket to the after party the choice is yours!
MTL Collab is a space for learning, collaboration, and creating within the realms of biotechnology, neurotechnology, and hardware. We are a three-way makerspace between Bricobio, BCI Montreal, and Helios Makerspace. But we can’t share resources and knowledge, work on projects, network, and build without one key element: design. And that’s exactly what this will be about. Sign up here:
And don’t forget to come hang out with people in the startup and maker scene at our after party @ Pub St-Ambroise!