MTL Data | Data Science + HR
For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see:
MTL Data
6:00 | Doors Open
6:30 | Introduction
6:40 | Presentations
7:30 | Networking
Pizza and beer provided by Humanify360
### Talks ###
Intelligent chatbots and the recruiting industry - Omid Aminfar, Founder and CEO at Jasper
For the first time in history, AI-powered chatbots are providing us a real chance to disrupt the recruiting industry. Omid will present the work done at Jasper.AI
What I Wish I Knew About Data For Startups - Jean-Nicholas Hould, Lead Data Analyst at Intel Security, Writes at
JN reflects on his learning from four years of working with data at PasswordBox. His talk focuses on advices to build a strong, scaleable data culture.
The data science industry from a talent optimization angle
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